All you need to is ensure that you write into Files api properly (Ie don’t leave any locks around on files, etc - I’m not an iOS developer so I have no idea what’s actually required for very good/correct Files api interoperation, but it should be in Apple docs). So, supposing Dropbox has a sync with the files api, then that sync would be the responsibility (and implemented by) the Dropbox app. I really like the beauty of the iOS Files api - it acts as a very convenient bridge.
#Jabref write absolute path pdf
It has enough quality of life features to be efficient, but you also don’t end up trying to import every pdf into it - allowing you to focus on making just the key notes. The former was too inefficient to stylize everything by hand without even keyboard shortcuts for bold, underline, etc, and the latter was too heavy handed in its insistence on visual placement for the user. I have given up on both LiquidText and MarginNotes - neither were able to offer me the visual learning I needed. I often ended up doing nested frames, so it wasn’t a big deal, but visually it was still jarring to see the highlight boxes that you’ve made to visually switch up their positioning on you due to the auto arrange. The one issue with Margin Notes is that it refuses to let you manually position the frames. (In comparison to Liquid Text - liquid Text has so few to 0 quality of life features, there was no nuance to figure out, other than knowing what poor quality of life implied for doing the visual styling that you needed to do). I also frequently held down the Apple key to see the shortcuts, and worked off from there. Being the hn type I enjoyed figuring out the nuances through heavy use.